java parser generator
site originally designed by ninth ave
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * This file is part of J11.                                       *
 * See the file "J11-LICENSE" for Copyright information and the    *
 * terms and conditions for copying, distribution and              *
 * modification of J11.                                            *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Etienne Gagnon: I have built this grammar based to the          *
 * information on pages 19-23 of the "Inner Classes Specification  *
 * document.                                                       *
 * Sun has not released yet an official grammar for Java 1.1 and I *
 * suspect that the definition of Java identifiers has changed and *
 * is different from the Java 1.02 version. This intuition comes   *
 * from noticing the deprecation of Character.isJavaLetter() and   *
 * isJavaLetterOrDigit() methods.                                  *
 * In this grammar, I have not changed the lexer. So I scan        *
 * Java 1.02 identifiers. This is the only documented definition   *
 * of identifiers that I have. If somebody has better information, *
 * please let me know.                                             *
 * Changes including inner class updates, more robust semicolon 
 * processing and strictfp keyword by:
 *    Thomas Leonhardt  


 * Helpers                                                         *

    unicode_input_character = [0..0xffff];
    ht  = 0x0009;
    lf  = 0x000a;
    ff  = 0x000c;
    cr  = 0x000d;
    sp  = ' ';

    line_terminator = lf | cr | cr lf;
    input_character = [unicode_input_character - [cr + lf]];

    not_star =    [input_character - '*'] | line_terminator;
    not_star_not_slash = [input_character - ['*' + '/']] | line_terminator;

    unicode_letter =
        [0x0041..0x005a] | [0x0061..0x007a] | [0x00aa..0x00aa] |
[0x00b5..0x00b5] |
        [0x00ba..0x00ba] | [0x00c0..0x00d6] | [0x00d8..0x00f6] |
[0x00f8..0x01f5] |
        [0x01fa..0x0217] | [0x0250..0x02a8] | [0x02b0..0x02b8] |
[0x02bb..0x02c1] |
        [0x02d0..0x02d1] | [0x02e0..0x02e4] | [0x037a..0x037a] |
[0x0386..0x0386] |
        [0x0388..0x038a] | [0x038c..0x038c] | [0x038e..0x03a1] |
[0x03a3..0x03ce] |
        [0x03d0..0x03d6] | [0x03da..0x03da] | [0x03dc..0x03dc] |
[0x03de..0x03de] |
        [0x03e0..0x03e0] | [0x03e2..0x03f3] | [0x0401..0x040c] |
[0x040e..0x044f] |
        [0x0451..0x045c] | [0x045e..0x0481] | [0x0490..0x04c4] |
[0x04c7..0x04c8] |
        [0x04cb..0x04cc] | [0x04d0..0x04eb] | [0x04ee..0x04f5] |
[0x04f8..0x04f9] |
        [0x0531..0x0556] | [0x0559..0x0559] | [0x0561..0x0587] |
[0x05d0..0x05ea] |
        [0x05f0..0x05f2] | [0x0621..0x063a] | [0x0640..0x064a] |
[0x0671..0x06b7] |
        [0x06ba..0x06be] | [0x06c0..0x06ce] | [0x06d0..0x06d3] |
[0x06d5..0x06d5] |
        [0x06e5..0x06e6] | [0x0905..0x0939] | [0x093d..0x093d] |
[0x0958..0x0961] |
        [0x0985..0x098c] | [0x098f..0x0990] | [0x0993..0x09a8] |
[0x09aa..0x09b0] |
        [0x09b2..0x09b2] | [0x09b6..0x09b9] | [0x09dc..0x09dd] |
[0x09df..0x09e1] |
        [0x09f0..0x09f1] | [0x0a05..0x0a0a] | [0x0a0f..0x0a10] |
[0x0a13..0x0a28] |
        [0x0a2a..0x0a30] | [0x0a32..0x0a33] | [0x0a35..0x0a36] |
[0x0a38..0x0a39] |
        [0x0a59..0x0a5c] | [0x0a5e..0x0a5e] | [0x0a72..0x0a74] |
[0x0a85..0x0a8b] |
        [0x0a8d..0x0a8d] | [0x0a8f..0x0a91] | [0x0a93..0x0aa8] |
[0x0aaa..0x0ab0] |
        [0x0ab2..0x0ab3] | [0x0ab5..0x0ab9] | [0x0abd..0x0abd] |
[0x0ae0..0x0ae0] |
        [0x0b05..0x0b0c] | [0x0b0f..0x0b10] | [0x0b13..0x0b28] |
[0x0b2a..0x0b30] |
        [0x0b32..0x0b33] | [0x0b36..0x0b39] | [0x0b3d..0x0b3d] |
[0x0b5c..0x0b5d] |
        [0x0b5f..0x0b61] | [0x0b85..0x0b8a] | [0x0b8e..0x0b90] |
[0x0b92..0x0b95] |
        [0x0b99..0x0b9a] | [0x0b9c..0x0b9c] | [0x0b9e..0x0b9f] |
[0x0ba3..0x0ba4] |
        [0x0ba8..0x0baa] | [0x0bae..0x0bb5] | [0x0bb7..0x0bb9] |
[0x0c05..0x0c0c] |
        [0x0c0e..0x0c10] | [0x0c12..0x0c28] | [0x0c2a..0x0c33] |
[0x0c35..0x0c39] |
        [0x0c60..0x0c61] | [0x0c85..0x0c8c] | [0x0c8e..0x0c90] |
[0x0c92..0x0ca8] |
        [0x0caa..0x0cb3] | [0x0cb5..0x0cb9] | [0x0cde..0x0cde] |
[0x0ce0..0x0ce1] |
        [0x0d05..0x0d0c] | [0x0d0e..0x0d10] | [0x0d12..0x0d28] |
[0x0d2a..0x0d39] |
        [0x0d60..0x0d61] | [0x0e01..0x0e2e] | [0x0e30..0x0e30] |
[0x0e32..0x0e33] |
        [0x0e40..0x0e46] | [0x0e81..0x0e82] | [0x0e84..0x0e84] |
[0x0e87..0x0e88] |
        [0x0e8a..0x0e8a] | [0x0e8d..0x0e8d] | [0x0e94..0x0e97] |
[0x0e99..0x0e9f] |
        [0x0ea1..0x0ea3] | [0x0ea5..0x0ea5] | [0x0ea7..0x0ea7] |
[0x0eaa..0x0eab] |
        [0x0ead..0x0eae] | [0x0eb0..0x0eb0] | [0x0eb2..0x0eb3] |
[0x0ebd..0x0ebd] |
        [0x0ec0..0x0ec4] | [0x0ec6..0x0ec6] | [0x0edc..0x0edd] |
[0x0f40..0x0f47] |
        [0x0f49..0x0f69] | [0x10a0..0x10c5] | [0x10d0..0x10f6] |
[0x1100..0x1159] |
        [0x115f..0x11a2] | [0x11a8..0x11f9] | [0x1e00..0x1e9b] |
[0x1ea0..0x1ef9] |
        [0x1f00..0x1f15] | [0x1f18..0x1f1d] | [0x1f20..0x1f45] |
[0x1f48..0x1f4d] |
        [0x1f50..0x1f57] | [0x1f59..0x1f59] | [0x1f5b..0x1f5b] |
[0x1f5d..0x1f5d] |
        [0x1f5f..0x1f7d] | [0x1f80..0x1fb4] | [0x1fb6..0x1fbc] |
[0x1fbe..0x1fbe] |
        [0x1fc2..0x1fc4] | [0x1fc6..0x1fcc] | [0x1fd0..0x1fd3] |
[0x1fd6..0x1fdb] |
        [0x1fe0..0x1fec] | [0x1ff2..0x1ff4] | [0x1ff6..0x1ffc] |
[0x207f..0x207f] |
        [0x2102..0x2102] | [0x2107..0x2107] | [0x210a..0x2113] |
[0x2115..0x2115] |
        [0x2118..0x211d] | [0x2124..0x2124] | [0x2126..0x2126] |
[0x2128..0x2128] |
        [0x212a..0x2131] | [0x2133..0x2138] | [0x3005..0x3005] |
[0x3031..0x3035] |
        [0x3041..0x3094] | [0x309b..0x309e] | [0x30a1..0x30fa] |
[0x30fc..0x30fe] |
        [0x3105..0x312c] | [0x3131..0x318e] | [0x4e00..0x9fa5] |
[0xac00..0xd7a3] |
        [0xf900..0xfa2d] | [0xfb00..0xfb06] | [0xfb13..0xfb17] |
[0xfb1f..0xfb28] |
        [0xfb2a..0xfb36] | [0xfb38..0xfb3c] | [0xfb3e..0xfb3e] |
[0xfb40..0xfb41] |
        [0xfb43..0xfb44] | [0xfb46..0xfbb1] | [0xfbd3..0xfd3d] |
[0xfd50..0xfd8f] |
        [0xfd92..0xfdc7] | [0xfdf0..0xfdfb] | [0xfe70..0xfe72] |
[0xfe74..0xfe74] |
        [0xfe76..0xfefc] | [0xff21..0xff3a] | [0xff41..0xff5a] |
[0xff66..0xffbe] |
        [0xffc2..0xffc7] | [0xffca..0xffcf] | [0xffd2..0xffd7] |

    unicode_digit =
        [0x0030..0x0039] | [0x0660..0x0669] | [0x06f0..0x06f9] |
[0x0966..0x096f] |
        [0x09e6..0x09ef] | [0x0a66..0x0a6f] | [0x0ae6..0x0aef] |
[0x0b66..0x0b6f] |
        [0x0be7..0x0bef] | [0x0c66..0x0c6f] | [0x0ce6..0x0cef] |
[0x0d66..0x0d6f] |
        [0x0e50..0x0e59] | [0x0ed0..0x0ed9] | [0x0f20..0x0f29] |

    java_letter = unicode_letter | '$' | '_';
    java_letter_or_digit = unicode_letter | unicode_digit | '$' | '_';

    non_zero_digit = ['1'..'9'];
    digit = ['0'..'9'];
    hex_digit = ['0'..'9'] | ['a'..'f'] | ['A'..'F'];
    octal_digit = ['0'..'7'];
    zero_to_three = ['0'..'3'];

    decimal_numeral = '0' | non_zero_digit digit*;
    hex_numeral = '0' ('x' | 'X') hex_digit+;
    octal_numeral = '0' octal_digit+;

    integer_type_suffix = 'l' | 'L';

    exponent_part = ('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? digit+;

    float_type_suffix = 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D';

    single_character = [input_character - [''' + '\']];
    octal_escape = '\' (octal_digit octal_digit? | zero_to_three octal_digit
    escape_sequence = '\b' | '\t' | '\n' | '\f' | '\r' | '\"' | '\' ''' |
'\\' | octal_escape;
    string_character = [input_character - ['"' + '\']] | escape_sequence;

 * Tokens                                                          *

    white_space = (sp | ht | ff | line_terminator)*;

    traditional_comment = '/*' not_star+ '*'+ (not_star_not_slash not_star*
'*'+)* '/';
    documentation_comment =    '/**' '*'* (not_star_not_slash not_star*
'*'+)* '/';

     * Here, we take into account the possibilily that the line terminator
might be missing *
     * at the end of the last line of a file. This is imprecise in the Java
Language        *
     * Specification, because it is not clear if a line terminator should be
added to the   *
     * last line, or not. "javac", the reference compiler, accepts and
end-of-line-comment, *
     * even if the line terminator is missing from the last line.

    end_of_line_comment = '//' input_character* line_terminator?;

    abstract = 'abstract';
    boolean = 'boolean';
    break = 'break';
    byte = 'byte';
    case = 'case';
    catch = 'catch';
    char = 'char';
    class = 'class';
    const = 'const';
    continue = 'continue';
    default = 'default';
    do = 'do';
    double = 'double';
    else = 'else';
    extends = 'extends';
    final = 'final';
    finally = 'finally';
    float = 'float';
    for = 'for';
    goto = 'goto';
    if = 'if';
    implements = 'implements';
    import = 'import';
    instanceof = 'instanceof';
    int = 'int';
    interface = 'interface';
    long = 'long';
    native = 'native';
    new = 'new';
    package = 'package';
    private = 'private';
    protected = 'protected';
    public = 'public';
    return = 'return';
    short = 'short';
    static = 'static';
    strictfp = 'strictfp';
    super = 'super';
    switch = 'switch';
    synchronized = 'synchronized';
    this = 'this';
    throw = 'throw';
    throws = 'throws';
    transient = 'transient';
    try = 'try';
    void = 'void';
    volatile = 'volatile';
    while = 'while';

    true = 'true';
    false = 'false';
    null = 'null';

    l_parenthese = '(';
    r_parenthese = ')';
    l_brace = '{';
    r_brace = '}';
    l_bracket = '[';
    r_bracket = ']';
    semicolon = ';';
    comma = ',';
    dot = '.';

    assign = '=';
    lt = '<';
    gt = '>';
    complement = '!';
    bit_complement = '~';
    question = '?';
    colon = ':';

    eq = '==';
    lteq = '<=';
    gteq ='>=';
    neq = '!=';
    and = '&&';
    or = '||';
    plus_plus = '++';
    minus_minus = '--';

    plus = '+';
    minus = '-';
    star = '*';
    div = '/';
    bit_and = '&';
    bit_or = '|';
    bit_xor = '^';
    mod = '%';
    shift_left = '<<';
    signed_shift_right = '>>';
    unsigned_shift_right = '>>>';

    plus_assign = '+=';
    minus_assign = '-=';
    star_assign = '*=';
    div_assign = '/=';
    bit_and_assign = '&=';
    bit_or_assign = '|=';
    bit_xor_assign = '^=';
    mod_assign = '%=';
    shift_left_assign = '<<=';
    signed_shift_right_assign = '>>=';
    unsigned_shift_right_assign = '>>>=';

    decimal_integer_literal = decimal_numeral integer_type_suffix?;
    hex_integer_literal = hex_numeral integer_type_suffix?;
    octal_integer_literal = octal_numeral integer_type_suffix?;

    floating_point_literal =
        digit+ '.' digit* exponent_part? float_type_suffix? |
        '.' digit+ exponent_part? float_type_suffix? |
        digit+ exponent_part float_type_suffix? |
        digit+ exponent_part? float_type_suffix;

    character_literal = ''' (single_character | escape_sequence) ''';
    string_literal = '"' string_character* '"';

    identifier = java_letter java_letter_or_digit*;

 * Ignored Tokens                                                  *
Ignored Tokens


 * Productions                                                     *

19.2 Grammar from §2.3: The Syntactic Grammar §2.3

goal =

19.3 Grammar from §3: Lexical Structure §3

literal =
        integer_literal |

        floating_point_literal |

        boolean_literal |

        character_literal |

        string_literal |


19.4 Grammar from §4: Types, Values, and Variables §4

type =
        primitive_type |


primitive_type =
        numeric_type |


numeric_type =
        integral_type |


integral_type =
        byte |

        short |

        int |

        long |


floating_point_type =
        float |


reference_type =
        class_or_interface_type |


class_or_interface_type =

class_type =

interface_type =

array_type =
        primitive_type dims |

        name dims;

19.5 Grammar from §6: Names §6

name =
        simple_name |


simple_name =

qualified_name =
    name dot identifier;

19.6 Grammar from §7: Packages §7

compilation_unit =
    package_declaration? import_declaration* type_declaration*;

package_declaration =
    package name semicolon;

import_declaration =
        single_type_import_declaration |


single_type_import_declaration =
    import name semicolon;

type_import_on_demand_declaration =
    import name dot star semicolon;

type_declaration =
        class_declaration |

        interface_declaration |


19.7 Productions Used Only in the LALR(1) Grammar

modifier =
        public |

        protected |

        private |

        static |

        abstract |

        final |

        native |

        synchronized |

        transient |

        volatile |


19.8.1 Grammar from §8.1: Class Declaration §8.1

class_declaration =
    modifier* [t_class]:class identifier P.super? interfaces? class_body;

super =
    extends class_type;

interfaces =
    implements interface_type_list;

interface_type_list =
        interface_type |

        interface_type_list comma interface_type;

class_body =
    l_brace class_body_declaration* r_brace;

class_body_declaration =
        class_member_declaration |

        static_initializer |

        constructor_declaration |


class_member_declaration =
        field_declaration |

        method_declaration |

        class_declaration |

        interface_declaration |


19.8.2 Grammar from §8.3: Field Declarations §8.3

field_declaration =
    modifier* type variable_declarators semicolon;

variable_declarators =
        variable_declarator |

        variable_declarators comma variable_declarator;

variable_declarator =
        variable_declarator_id |

        variable_declarator_id assign variable_initializer;

variable_declarator_id =
        identifier |

        variable_declarator_id l_bracket r_bracket;

variable_initializer =
        expression |


19.8.3 Grammar from §8.4: Method Declarations §8.4

method_declaration =
    method_header method_body;

method_header =
        modifier* type method_declarator P.throws? |

        modifier* void method_declarator P.throws?;

method_declarator =
        identifier l_parenthese formal_parameter_list? r_parenthese |

        method_declarator l_bracket r_bracket;

formal_parameter_list =
        formal_parameter |

        formal_parameter_list comma formal_parameter;

formal_parameter =
    modifier* type variable_declarator_id;

throws =
    T.throws class_type_list;

class_type_list =
        class_type |

        class_type_list comma class_type;

method_body =
        block |


19.8.4 Grammar from §8.5: Static Initializers §8.5

static_initializer =
    static block;

19.8.5 Grammar from §8.6: Constructor Declarations §8.6

constructor_declaration =
    modifier* constructor_declarator P.throws? constructor_body;

constructor_declarator =
    simple_name l_parenthese formal_parameter_list? r_parenthese;

constructor_body =
    l_brace explicit_constructor_invocation? block_statement* r_brace;

explicit_constructor_invocation =
        this l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese semicolon |

        T.super l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese semicolon |

        primary dot T.super l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese

19.9.1 Grammar from §9.1: Interface Declarations §9.1

interface_declaration =
    modifier* interface identifier extends_interfaces? interface_body;

extends_interfaces =
        extends interface_type |

        extends_interfaces comma interface_type;

interface_body =
    l_brace interface_member_declaration* r_brace;

interface_member_declaration =
        constant_declaration |

        abstract_method_declaration |

        class_declaration |

        interface_declaration |


constant_declaration =

abstract_method_declaration =
    method_header semicolon;

19.10 Grammar from §10: Arrays §10

array_initializer =
    l_brace variable_initializers? comma? r_brace;

variable_initializers =
        variable_initializer |

        variable_initializers comma variable_initializer;

19.11 Grammar from §14: Blocks and Statements §14

block =
    l_brace block_statement* r_brace;

block_statement =
        local_variable_declaration_statement |

        statement |


local_variable_declaration_statement =
    local_variable_declaration semicolon;

local_variable_declaration =
    modifier* type variable_declarators;

statement =
        statement_without_trailing_substatement |

        labeled_statement |

        if_then_statement |

        if_then_else_statement |

        while_statement |


statement_no_short_if =
        statement_without_trailing_substatement |

        labeled_statement_no_short_if |

        if_then_else_statement_no_short_if |

        while_statement_no_short_if |


statement_without_trailing_substatement =
        block |

        empty_statement |

        expression_statement |

        switch_statement |

        do_statement |

        break_statement |

        continue_statement |

        return_statement |

        synchronized_statement |

        throw_statement |


empty_statement =

labeled_statement =
    identifier colon statement;

labeled_statement_no_short_if =
    identifier colon statement_no_short_if;

expression_statement =
    statement_expression semicolon;

statement_expression =
        assignment |

        pre_increment_expression |

        pre_decrement_expression |

        post_increment_expression |

        post_decrement_expression |

        method_invocation |


if_then_statement =
    if l_parenthese expression r_parenthese statement;

if_then_else_statement =
    if l_parenthese expression r_parenthese statement_no_short_if else

if_then_else_statement_no_short_if =
    if l_parenthese expression r_parenthese
[statement_no_short_if1]:statement_no_short_if else

switch_statement =
    switch l_parenthese expression r_parenthese switch_block;

switch_block =
    l_brace switch_block_statement_group* switch_label* r_brace;

switch_block_statement_group =
    switch_label+ block_statement+;

switch_label =
        case constant_expression colon |

        default colon;

while_statement =
    while l_parenthese expression r_parenthese statement;

while_statement_no_short_if =
    while l_parenthese expression r_parenthese statement_no_short_if;

do_statement =
    do statement while l_parenthese expression r_parenthese semicolon;

for_statement =
    for l_parenthese for_init? [semicolon1]:semicolon expression?
[semicolon2]:semicolon for_update? r_parenthese statement;

for_statement_no_short_if =
    for l_parenthese for_init? [semicolon1]:semicolon expression?
[semicolon2]:semicolon for_update? r_parenthese statement_no_short_if;

for_init =
        statement_expression_list |


for_update =

statement_expression_list =
        statement_expression |

        statement_expression_list comma statement_expression;

break_statement =
    break identifier? semicolon;

continue_statement =
    continue identifier? semicolon;

return_statement =
    return expression? semicolon;

throw_statement =
    throw expression semicolon;

synchronized_statement =
    synchronized l_parenthese expression r_parenthese block;

try_statement =
        try block catch_clause+ |

        try block catch_clause* P.finally;

catch_clause =
    catch l_parenthese formal_parameter r_parenthese block;

finally =
    T.finally block;

19.12 Grammar from §15: Expressions §15

primary =
        primary_no_new_array |


primary_no_new_array =
        literal |

        this |

        l_parenthese expression r_parenthese |

        class_instance_creation_expression |

        field_access |

        method_invocation |

        array_access |

        name dot this |

        primitive_type dims? dot [t_class]:class |

        name dims? dot [t_class]:class |

        void dot [t_class]:class;

class_instance_creation_expression =
        new name l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese class_body? |

        primary dot new identifier l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese class_body? |

        name dot new identifier l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese class_body?;

argument_list =
        expression |

        argument_list comma expression;

array_creation_expression =
        new primitive_type dim_expr+ dims? |

        new class_or_interface_type dim_expr+ dims? |

        new primitive_type dims array_initializer |

        new class_or_interface_type dims array_initializer;

dim_expr =
    l_bracket expression r_bracket;

dims =
        l_bracket r_bracket |

        dims l_bracket r_bracket;

field_access =
        primary dot identifier |

        T.super dot identifier;

method_invocation =
        name l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese |

        primary dot identifier l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese |

        T.super dot identifier l_parenthese argument_list? r_parenthese;

array_access =
        name l_bracket expression r_bracket |

        primary_no_new_array l_bracket expression r_bracket;

postfix_expression =
        primary |

        name |

        post_increment_expression |


post_increment_expression =
    postfix_expression plus_plus;

post_decrement_expression =
    postfix_expression minus_minus;

unary_expression =
        pre_increment_expression |

        pre_decrement_expression |

        plus unary_expression |

        minus unary_expression |


pre_increment_expression =
    plus_plus unary_expression;

pre_decrement_expression =
    minus_minus unary_expression;

unary_expression_not_plus_minus =
        postfix_expression |

        bit_complement unary_expression |

        complement unary_expression |


cast_expression =
        l_parenthese primitive_type dims? r_parenthese unary_expression |

        l_parenthese expression r_parenthese unary_expression_not_plus_minus

        l_parenthese name dims r_parenthese unary_expression_not_plus_minus;

multiplicative_expression =
        unary_expression |

        multiplicative_expression star unary_expression |

        multiplicative_expression div unary_expression |

        multiplicative_expression mod unary_expression;

additive_expression =
        multiplicative_expression |

        additive_expression plus multiplicative_expression |

        additive_expression minus multiplicative_expression;

shift_expression =
        additive_expression |

        shift_expression shift_left additive_expression |

        shift_expression signed_shift_right additive_expression |

        shift_expression unsigned_shift_right additive_expression;

relational_expression =
        shift_expression |

        relational_expression lt shift_expression |

        relational_expression gt shift_expression |

        relational_expression lteq shift_expression |

        relational_expression gteq shift_expression |

        relational_expression instanceof reference_type;

equality_expression =
        relational_expression |

        equality_expression eq relational_expression |

        equality_expression neq relational_expression;

and_expression =
        equality_expression |

        and_expression bit_and equality_expression;

exclusive_or_expression =
        and_expression |

        exclusive_or_expression bit_xor and_expression;

inclusive_or_expression =
        exclusive_or_expression |

        inclusive_or_expression bit_or exclusive_or_expression;

conditional_and_expression =
        inclusive_or_expression |

        conditional_and_expression and inclusive_or_expression;

conditional_or_expression =
        conditional_and_expression |

        conditional_or_expression or conditional_and_expression;

conditional_expression =
        conditional_or_expression |

        conditional_or_expression question expression colon

assignment_expression =
        conditional_expression |


assignment =
    left_hand_side assignment_operator assignment_expression;

left_hand_side =
        name |

        field_access |


assignment_operator =
        assign |

        star_assign |

        div_assign |

        mod_assign |

        plus_assign |

        minus_assign |

        shift_left_assign |

        signed_shift_right_assign |

        unsigned_shift_right_assign |

        bit_and_assign |

        bit_xor_assign |


expression =

constant_expression =


boolean_literal =
    {true} true |
    {false} false;

null_literal =

integer_literal =
    {decimal} decimal_integer_literal |
    {hex} hex_integer_literal |
    {octal} octal_integer_literal;

This site has been last updated by the web master on 2007/6/24.