/**************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000, Fidel Viegas (viegasfh@hotmail.com). * * All rights reserved. * * * * Please see the LICENSE file for license information. * ****************************************************************/ /**************************************************************** * This is a grammar for a small subset of Pascal. * * It was implemented as an illustration of how to write a * * compiler in SableCC and Java. * ****************************************************************/ Package org.sablecc.pascal; // package name Helpers /** * Pascal is a case-insensitive language. So, we'll use helpers * to simplify our regular expressions. E.g. Instead of writing, * for instance, end = ('e' | 'E') ('n' | 'N') ('d' | 'D'), we * may write: end = e n d, which takes less space is makes the * regular expression more readable. */ a = 'a' | 'A' ; // this could also be written as ['a' + 'A'] b = 'b' | 'B' ; // but I prefer the old lex style d = 'd' | 'D' ; e = 'e' | 'E' ; g = 'g' | 'g' ; i = 'i' | 'I' ; l = 'l' | 'L' ; m = 'm' | 'M' ; n = 'n' | 'N' ; o = 'o' | 'O' ; p = 'p' | 'P' ; r = 'r' | 'R' ; t = 't' | 'T' ; v = 'v' | 'V' ; w = 'w' | 'W' ; l_curly_bracket = '{' ; r_curly_bracket = '}' ; ascii_char = [32 .. 127] ; // letters and digits letter = [['a' .. 'z'] + ['A' .. 'Z']]; digit = ['0' .. '9'] ; // un-printable characters tab = 9 ; cr = 13 ; lf = 10 ; blank = ' ' ; Tokens // reserved words end = e n d ; div = d i v ; // integer division var = v a r ; begin = b e g i n ; program = p r o g r a m ; writeln = w r i t e l n ; // I prefer to let the parser do the job // of tracking the standard type rather // then processing it in the semantic phase integer = i n t e g e r ; // arithmetic symbols plus = '+' ; minus = '-' ; mult = '*' ; assignop = ':=' ; // symbols separators comma = ',' ; colon = ':' ; semicolon = ';' ; dot = '.' ; l_paren = '(' ; r_paren = ')' ; // identifiers identifier = letter (letter | digit)* ; // numbers number = digit+ ; // integer numbers only // comments comment = l_curly_bracket [ascii_char - [l_curly_bracket + r_curly_bracket]]* r_curly_bracket ; // blanks blanks = blank | cr lf | cr | lf | tab ; Ignored Tokens comment, blanks ; Productions program = program_heading declarations body dot ; program_heading = // program must be prefixed with T. because there is a token and a production with // the same name T.program identifier semicolon ; // declarations declarations = variables_declaration? ; variables_declaration = var variables_definition_list ; variables_definition_list = {single} variables_definition | {multiple} variables_definition_list variables_definition ; variables_definition = identifier_list colon type semicolon ; identifier_list = {single} identifier | {multiple} identifier_list comma identifier ; type = integer ; // only data type allowed is the integer data type // body definition body = begin statement_sequence end ; // statements statement_sequence = {single} statement | {multiple} statement_sequence semicolon statement ; statement = {writeln} writeln l_paren expression r_paren | {assignment} identifier assignop expression | {empty} ; // expressions expression = {term} term | {plus} expression plus term | {minus} expression minus term ; term = {factor} factor | {mult} term mult factor | {div} term div factor ; factor = {identifier} identifier | {number} number | {expression} l_paren expression r_paren; // end of grammar.
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